Seaborn PairGrid with Custom Plots for Diagonal and Off-Diagonal

A Versatile Visualization for Multi-Variable Analysis/span>

PairGrid in $Seaborn$ is a powerful tool for visualizing relationships across multiple variables in a single, customizable grid.

By using different plots on the diagonal and off-diagonal sections, we can present complex data in a format that highlights distribution and correlation simultaneously.

This method is particularly useful for exploratory data analysis, allowing us to examine each pair of variables with tailored visualizations that make it easier to identify patterns, outliers, and correlations.

In this example, we’ll use the iris dataset, which contains measurements for petal and sepal length and width for different iris flower species.

We’ll create a grid where the diagonal shows each variable’s distribution, while the off-diagonal displays scatter plots to visualize relationships between variable pairs.

Step-by-Step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    The iris dataset has four numerical features (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) and a categorical species feature.

  2. Set Up the PairGrid:
    We’ll create a grid where:

    • The diagonal displays histograms to show distributions of each variable.
    • The off-diagonal cells show scatter plots, comparing each pair of variables and adding color to distinguish the species.
  3. Customize the Plot:
    We’ll add color palettes, improve the legend, and customize titles for better readability.

Here’s the full implementation:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the iris dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("iris")

# Set up the PairGrid
g = sns.PairGrid(df, hue="species", palette="Set2")

# Map different plots to the diagonal and off-diagonal
g.map_diag(sns.histplot, kde=True) # Histogram with KDE for the diagonal
g.map_offdiag(sns.scatterplot, s=30, alpha=0.7) # Scatter plot for the off-diagonal

# Add customizations
g.fig.suptitle("Iris Data - PairGrid with Different Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Plots", y=1.02)

Detailed Explanation

  1. Data Preparation:

    • We load the iris dataset, which includes four continuous features (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, and petal_width) and one categorical feature, species, which represents three types of iris flowers: setosa, versicolor, and virginica.
  2. PairGrid Setup:

    • sns.PairGrid(df, hue="species", palette="Set2"): Sets up a PairGrid using the iris dataset.
      We specify species as the hue to color-code each species in the plot, and we use the Set2 color palette for aesthetic differentiation.
  3. Plot Mapping:

    • Diagonal Plot (map_diag): sns.histplot with kde=True displays histograms with kernel density estimation (KDE) on the diagonal, showing each variable’s distribution.
      The KDE line smooths out the histogram, giving a clear view of each variable’s distribution.
    • Off-Diagonal Plot (map_offdiag): sns.scatterplot displays scatter plots on the off-diagonal cells, showing pairwise relationships.
      With s=30 and alpha=0.7, we adjust the marker size and transparency to avoid overlap and make the scatter plots clearer.
  4. Adding Customizations:

    • g.add_legend(title="Species"): Adds a legend to distinguish between species.
    • g.fig.suptitle(...): Sets a title for the entire grid, positioned slightly above the grid with y=1.02 for clarity.


The resulting grid provides insights into both individual distributions and pairwise relationships:

  • Diagonals (Distributions): Each diagonal cell shows the distribution of a single variable, allowing us to assess each species’ range and typical values for petal and sepal measurements.
  • Off-Diagonals (Pairwise Relationships): The scatter plots in the off-diagonal cells show relationships between variable pairs. For example:
    • A strong linear relationship between petal_length and petal_width is observed, especially for the virginica species.
    • Overlaps or separations between species in scatter plots reveal which pairs of variables can differentiate species, aiding classification.


The output grid will have:

  • Histograms along the diagonal, showing each variable’s distribution by species.
  • Scatter plots in the off-diagonal, showing pairwise relationships between features, with color-coding for each species.


The PairGrid with different diagonal and off-diagonal plots in $Seaborn$ allows for a multi-faceted analysis of relationships and distributions within a dataset.

By customizing the plots, we can leverage both distributional and relational insights, making it a valuable visualization tool in data science for complex, multi-variable datasets.

Seaborn Violin Plot with Split:A Complex Visualization for Group Comparison

The violinplot function in $Seaborn$ is a versatile tool for visualizing the distribution of data and comparing multiple groups.

By adding the split parameter, we can create a split $violin$ $plot$, which provides a powerful way to compare distributions within each category side-by-side in one plot.

This type of visualization is especially useful for examining how a categorical variable affects the distribution of a continuous variable, with an additional split for another category.

In this example, we’ll use the tips dataset from $Seaborn$, which includes data on restaurant bills and tips, as well as the gender and smoking preferences of customers.

We’ll create a split $violin$ $plot$ to analyze how the distribution of tips differs between genders, while also examining the effect of smoking status.

Step-by-Step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    The tips dataset includes information on variables like total_bill, tip, sex, and smoker.
    We will focus on tip as our main variable, split by sex and smoker.

  2. Create the Split Violin Plot:
    We’ll use sex to split the plot into two halves, one for each gender, and smoker to show the distribution within each half.

  3. Customize the Plot:
    We’ll add labels, adjust colors, and enhance readability with an informative title.

Here’s the code to create the plot:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("tips")

# Create a split violin plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.violinplot(data=df, x="day", y="tip", hue="sex", split=True, inner="quart", palette="pastel")

# Customize the plot
plt.title("Distribution of Tips by Day, Split by Gender")
plt.xlabel("Day of the Week")
plt.ylabel("Tip Amount ($)")
plt.legend(title="Gender", loc="upper left")

Detailed Explanation

  1. Data Preparation:

    • We load the tips dataset, which includes the columns day (day of the week), tip (tip amount), sex (gender), and smoker (smoking status).
      In this case, we use day as the x-axis, tip as the y-axis, and sex to split each $violin$ $plot$.
  2. Creating the Violin Plot:

    • sns.violinplot(...) creates the main visualization.
    • x="day": We set the x-axis to represent the day of the week, grouping tips by each day.
    • y="tip": We plot the tip amount on the y-axis.
    • hue="sex": We use sex to color the violins, allowing for comparison between genders.
    • split=True: This parameter splits each violin in half, showing one half for each gender. This provides a side-by-side view of the tip distribution for each gender within each day.
    • inner="quart": Adds inner lines to the violins representing the quartiles, giving more information about the spread of the data within each group.
    • palette="pastel": The pastel color palette makes the plot visually appealing and easy to interpret.
  3. Customizing the Plot:

    • plt.title(...): Adds a title to clarify the purpose of the plot.
    • plt.xlabel(...) and plt.ylabel(...): Labels the axes for clarity.
    • plt.legend(...): Adjusts the legend title and placement, enhancing readability.


This split $violin$ $plot$ provides insights into the distribution of tips by day, separated by gender:

  • Distribution Shape: The width of each violin shows the frequency of tips within different ranges. For example, wider sections indicate a higher concentration of tip amounts.
  • Gender Comparison: Each half of the violin represents a different gender, allowing us to see differences in tip distribution within each day. For instance, if one half is significantly wider than the other, it suggests that one gender tips differently on that day.
  • Day-Specific Insights: The plot is grouped by day, so we can observe if there are particular days when tips are higher or more variable.


The resulting plot will show two halves for each day of the week, with each half representing the distribution of tips by gender.

This layout allows us to easily compare how tips differ between genders on different days, as well as to see general distribution patterns.


The split $violin$ $plot$ in $Seaborn$ is an effective way to explore and compare distributions within categorical groups.

By using a split based on gender and day in this example, we gain insights into how tipping behavior varies both by gender and across different days of the week, making it a valuable tool for complex exploratory data analysis in various fields.

Seaborn Heatmap for Multiple Variables: A Comprehensive Visualization Example

Seaborn Heatmap for Multiple Variables: A Comprehensive Visualization Example

A $heatmap$ is an effective way to visualize relationships or correlations between multiple variables, with colors representing values in a grid-like structure.

$Seaborn$’s heatmap function is particularly well-suited for this task, providing flexible options for visualizing correlation matrices, pivot tables, or any tabular data in a grid format.

In this example, we’ll use the flights dataset, which contains monthly airline passenger data over several years.

We’ll use a $heatmap$ to visualize passenger volume trends across different years and months, which will help us identify seasonal patterns or yearly changes.

Step-by-Step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    The flights dataset contains year, month, and passengers columns, which represent the number of airline passengers for each month over several years.

  2. Transform the Data:
    To use the data in a $heatmap$, we’ll convert it into a pivot table, with year as rows, month as columns, and passengers as values.

  3. Generate the Heatmap:
    We’ll plot the pivot table as a $heatmap$, using colors to represent passenger numbers, so we can easily identify patterns.

Here’s the full implementation:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the flights dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("flights")

# Pivot the data with 'year' as rows, 'month' as columns, and 'passengers' as values
flights_pivot = df.pivot(index="year", columns="month", values="passengers")

# Plot a heatmap
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(flights_pivot, annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="YlGnBu", linewidths=0.3, linecolor="gray")

# Customize the heatmap
plt.title("Monthly Airline Passengers (1949-1960)")

Detailed Explanation

  1. Data Preparation:

    • df.pivot("year", "month", "passengers"): The pivot function organizes data with year as rows, month as columns, and passengers as cell values.
      This format is ideal for the $heatmap$, with each cell representing passenger counts for a particular month and year.
  2. Heatmap Creation:

    • sns.heatmap(flights_pivot, ...): This function generates the $heatmap$.
    • annot=True: Displays the exact passenger numbers in each cell.
    • fmt="d": Formats the annotation values as integers.
    • cmap="YlGnBu": Specifies the color map, where lower values are yellow-green and higher values are blue, creating a visual gradient from lower to higher values.
    • linewidths=0.3, linecolor="gray": Adds thin gray lines between cells for clarity.
  3. Plot Customization:

    • plt.title("Monthly Airline Passengers (1949-1960)"): Adds a title to the $heatmap$ for context.
    • plt.xlabel("Month") and plt.ylabel("Year"): Labels the x-axis and y-axis for clear interpretation.


The $heatmap$ provides insights into monthly passenger trends over the years:

  • Seasonal Patterns: Darker blue cells typically appear in the middle of each year, indicating higher passenger volumes in summer months.
  • Yearly Trends: The passenger counts increase over time, as seen by the darker blues becoming more frequent toward the later years.

This makes the $heatmap$ especially useful for quickly identifying both seasonal and long-term trends in the dataset.


The $heatmap$ effectively visualizes how airline passenger numbers vary across months and years.

It shows both seasonal fluctuations and growth trends, giving a clear picture of passenger volume changes over time.


Using $Seaborn$’s heatmap function with a pivoted dataset allows you to visualize complex, multi-variable data in an intuitive and meaningful way.

The combination of color gradients and annotated values makes it easy to interpret patterns, especially in time series data, and is commonly used in fields like finance, sales analysis, and operations management to identify trends or anomalies.

Seaborn JointGrid:Displaying Correlation and Distribution in a Complex Plot

Seaborn JointGrid:Displaying Correlation and Distribution in a Complex Plot

The JointGrid function in $Seaborn$ provides a powerful way to explore both the distribution and the correlation between two variables simultaneously.

This complex visualization overlays a scatter plot showing correlation between two variables and adds marginal histograms or density plots to show the distribution of each variable.

It’s a valuable tool for examining how variables interact in a dataset and understanding the nature of their relationship.

In this example, we will use the tips dataset, which contains data on restaurant tips, including variables like total_bill and tip.

By using JointGrid, we can visualize the relationship between total_bill and tip, along with the distribution of each.

Step-by-Step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    The tips dataset is a popular dataset in $Seaborn$ that includes information about meal bills, tips, and other attributes.

  2. Define a JointGrid:
    We create a JointGrid specifying total_bill and tip as the $x$ and $y$ axes, respectively.
    We then map different plot types onto this grid to examine both correlation and distribution.

  3. Map Different Plots:
    We add a scatter plot in the center to visualize the correlation between total_bill and tip.
    We also add marginal histograms and a regression line to examine the strength of the correlation.

  4. Customize the Plot:
    We will add labels, a title, and adjust the size of the grid to enhance readability.

Here’s the full implementation:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("tips")

# Create a JointGrid with 'total_bill' and 'tip'
g = sns.JointGrid(data=df, x="total_bill", y="tip", height=8)

# Map a scatter plot with a regression line onto the main plot
g = g.plot(sns.scatterplot, sns.histplot)
sns.regplot(data=df, x="total_bill", y="tip", ax=g.ax_joint, scatter=False, color="red")

# Add KDE plots to the marginal axes
g.plot_marginals(sns.kdeplot, fill=True, color="blue", alpha=0.3)

# Customize the layout
g.set_axis_labels("Total Bill ($)", "Tip ($)")
g.fig.suptitle("Correlation and Distribution of Total Bill and Tip Amount")

# Show the plot

Detailed Explanation

  1. JointGrid Setup:
    The JointGrid function initializes a grid with total_bill on the $x$-axis and tip on the $y$-axis.
    We set height=8 to make the plot larger for better visibility.

  2. Main Plot (Scatter Plot with Regression Line):

    • g.plot(sns.scatterplot, sns.histplot): This function plots a scatter plot of total_bill vs. tip, with additional marginal histograms on the $x$ and $y$ axes.
    • sns.regplot(..., ax=g.ax_joint): We add a regression line to the scatter plot to show the linear relationship between total_bill and tip, which gives a sense of the strength and direction of their correlation.
    • scatter=False: This option hides the scatter points in the regression plot, avoiding overlap with the scatter plot points.
  3. Marginal Distribution Plots:

    • g.plot_marginals(sns.kdeplot, fill=True): This command adds kernel density estimation ($KDE$) plots to the $x$ and $y$ axes, giving a smooth distribution of both total_bill and tip.
    • fill=True: This option fills the $KDE$ plot areas with color for a more visually appealing look.
    • color="blue", alpha=0.3: The color and transparency (alpha) of the $KDE$ plots are customized for clarity.
  4. Customization:

    • g.set_axis_labels(...): We label the $x$ and $y$ axes with clear descriptions.
    • plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9): This command adjusts the layout to accommodate the title without overlapping.
    • g.fig.suptitle(...): Adds an overall title to the figure to summarize the plot.


  • Scatter Plot with Regression: The scatter plot in the center shows how total_bill and tip are related.
    The regression line shows a positive relationship, indicating that as the total bill increases, the tip tends to increase as well.
  • Marginal $KDE$ Plots: The $KDE$ plots on the $x$ and $y$ axes reveal the distribution of total_bill and tip individually.
    For instance, the $KDE$ plot on the $x$-axis shows that most total_bill values cluster around $$10$–$$20$, while tip values are typically between $$2$ and $$4$.
  • Combined Analysis: This plot layout allows you to explore both the distribution and the correlation in one view.
    It’s clear that while there’s a trend of higher tips with higher bills, tips also vary widely, suggesting other factors (such as service quality) might play a role.


The resulting visualization gives a comprehensive view of both the correlation and individual distributions.

This type of plot is extremely useful in data analysis, especially in fields like finance and business, where understanding correlations and distributions is essential for decision-making.


The JointGrid function in $Seaborn$, especially with a combination of scatter, regression, and $KDE$ plots, is an effective way to investigate complex relationships in data.

This visualization enables you to explore multiple dimensions at once and gain insights into both correlation and distribution, making it a valuable tool for exploratory data analysis ($EDA$) and data presentation.

Seaborn PairPlot with Hue

Seaborn PairPlot with Hue

The pairplot function in $Seaborn$ is a powerful way to visualize relationships between multiple variables in a dataset.

It creates a grid of scatter plots for each pair of variables, and if you use the hue parameter, you can add color to the plots based on a categorical variable, making it easier to explore relationships within subgroups of the data.

Here’s how to create a complex pairplot using the iris dataset, which contains data on the dimensions of different species of flowers.

We’ll use hue to differentiate between species, and this will help us observe patterns and relationships across multiple dimensions in a visually rich way.

Step-by-step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    We’ll use the built-in iris dataset, which contains measurements like sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, and petal_width for three species of flowers.

  2. Create a PairPlot:
    The pairplot function will automatically generate scatter plots for each combination of these variables, along with diagonal plots showing the distribution of each variable.

  3. Use Hue for Differentiation:
    By setting the hue parameter to the species column, each species will be plotted with a different color, making it easy to visually compare relationships across species.

  4. Customizing the Appearance:
    We’ll also customize the appearance by adding markers and adjusting the plot size for better readability.

Here’s the full implementation:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the iris dataset
df = sns.load_dataset('iris')

# Create a pairplot with hue based on the species column
sns.pairplot(df, hue="species", palette="Set2", markers=["o", "s", "D"],
diag_kind="kde", height=2.5)

# Display the plot

Detailed Explanation:

  1. PairPlot Creation:
    The pairplot function automatically creates a grid of scatter plots that show pairwise relationships between the numerical variables in the dataset.
    Here, it will create scatter plots for sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, and petal_width.
    On the diagonal, it will display the distribution of each variable using kernel density estimation (kde).

    • hue="species": This colors the points by the species of the flower (setosa, versicolor, and virginica), which allows us to see how the relationships between the variables differ by species.
    • palette="Set2": This specifies the color palette to use, giving each species a distinct color.
    • markers=["o", "s", "D"]: This assigns different marker shapes to each species (o for circles, s for squares, and D for diamonds).
      This further differentiates the species, especially useful when printing in grayscale.
    • diag_kind="kde": This tells the diagonal plots to use kernel density estimation, providing smooth probability distributions for each variable, rather than simple histograms.
    • height=2.5: This adjusts the size of the plots for better visibility.
  2. Visualization:

    • Scatter plots: The off-diagonal plots show scatter plots for each pair of variables (sepal_length vs. sepal_width, petal_length vs. sepal_length, etc.).
      These plots help to identify relationships or correlations between variables for each species.
    • Diagonal plots: The diagonal plots show the distribution of individual variables for each species using kernel density estimation.
      For example, you can see how sepal_length is distributed across the three species.
    • Colors and markers: Each species is represented by a different color and marker, making it easier to see how the species are distributed in the feature space.
  3. Interpretation:
    The pairplot allows us to observe how different species of flowers separate in terms of their dimensions. For example:

    • Setosa (green): The setosa species tends to be well-separated from the others, especially when looking at petal_length and petal_width.
      This suggests that these two variables are good at distinguishing setosa from the other species.
    • Versicolor (purple) and Virginica (orange): These two species overlap more in some dimensions but show clear separation in others.
      This is particularly visible in the pairwise plots of petal_length vs. sepal_length or petal_width vs. sepal_width.

    By visualizing the relationships between multiple variables and using color to differentiate between species, you can quickly identify which features are most useful for distinguishing between species.


The pairplot will display a matrix of scatter plots and density plots that provide a comprehensive view of the relationships between variables across different species.

This kind of plot is incredibly useful for exploratory data analysis, especially when trying to understand multivariate relationships and patterns within subsets of the data.


The $Seaborn$ pairplot function, combined with the hue parameter, is a powerful tool for visualizing pairwise relationships between variables and understanding how different groups (in this case, species) differ from one another.

By color-coding the species and visualizing all combinations of variables, you can uncover hidden patterns and gain insights into the structure of the data.

This method is widely used in exploratory data analysis ($EDA$), machine learning, and statistical modeling to identify potential features for classification or regression tasks.

FacetGrid in Seaborn

FacetGrid in Seaborn

The FacetGrid in $Seaborn$ is a powerful tool for visualizing data across multiple subsets.

It allows you to map different plots onto a grid based on the values of multiple variables.

This is useful when you want to explore relationships between variables across different categories, making it perfect for complex data visualizations.

Here’s an example using the diamonds dataset in $Seaborn$.

We’ll create a grid of scatter plots showing the relationship between carat (size of a diamond) and price, split by the cut and color of the diamonds.

We’ll also overlay a regression line for each subset to examine trends within each category.

Step-by-step Explanation and Code

  1. Load Data and Libraries:
    First, we import the necessary libraries and load the diamonds dataset, which contains information about diamond prices and attributes like cut, color, and carat weight.

  2. Define the FacetGrid:
    We create a FacetGrid where each plot will represent diamonds of a specific cut and color.
    We’ll use the carat size as the x-axis and price as the y-axis to visualize the relationship.

  3. Map a Regression Plot:
    We use sns.regplot to add both scatter plots and regression lines to visualize the relationship between carat and price for each facet.
    This helps us understand trends within each category.

  4. Customize the Plot:
    We’ll add a legend, adjust the size and aspect of the grid, and customize some elements for a more refined look.

Here’s the full implementation:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the 'diamonds' dataset from seaborn
df = sns.load_dataset('diamonds')

# Create a FacetGrid object with 'cut' as columns and 'color' as rows
g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="cut", row="color", margin_titles=True, height=3, aspect=1.5)

# Map a scatterplot with regression lines onto the grid, "carat", "price", scatter_kws={"s": 10}, line_kws={"color": "red"})

# Add titles and customize the layout
g.set_axis_labels("Carat", "Price")
g.fig.suptitle('Price vs Carat by Cut and Color of Diamonds')

# Show the plot

Detailed Explanation:

  1. FacetGrid Object:
    We create a FacetGrid that divides the data into facets (subplots) according to two categorical variables: cut and color.
    Each facet will show the relationship between the carat and price.

    • col="cut": Each column corresponds to a different cut quality of the diamond.
    • row="color": Each row corresponds to a different diamond color.
    • margin_titles=True: This enables titles on the margins, improving readability.
    • height=3 and aspect=1.5: These parameters adjust the size and aspect ratio of each subplot.
  2. Mapping the Plot:

    • This function maps the desired plot type onto the grid.
      Here, we use sns.regplot to create scatter plots with regression lines for each combination of cut and color.
    • scatter_kws={"s": 10}: Adjusts the size of scatter plot points.
    • line_kws={"color": "red"}: Adds a red regression line to each plot, helping us see trends more clearly.
  3. Customizations:

    • set_axis_labels("Carat", "Price"): Labels the x and y axes for better understanding.
    • g.add_legend(): Adds a legend to indicate different subsets of the data (in this case, color and cut).
    • g.fig.suptitle(): Sets the main title of the entire figure.
  4. Interpretation:
    Each subplot represents a different combination of cut and color for the diamonds.
    You can examine how the price of diamonds changes with carat size across different cut and color values.
    For example, diamonds with a better cut (like “Ideal”) might show a steeper price increase as carat size grows, compared to diamonds with lower-quality cuts.


The resulting grid will display multiple subplots, allowing for an easy comparison of trends across various diamond cuts and colors.

You can observe how the relationship between carat and price differs based on the cut and color of the diamond.

Regression lines in each subplot give a sense of how well the carat size predicts price in each subset.

This visualization is helpful in complex scenarios like product pricing, where several categorical factors (like quality and features) influence a continuous outcome (like price).

Optimizing Infrastructure Development with NetworkX

Optimizing Infrastructure Development with NetworkX

In this example, we will use $NetworkX$ to model and optimize an infrastructure development plan.

Specifically, we’ll simulate a road network where the goal is to improve connectivity between cities while minimizing costs.

We will represent cities as nodes and roads as edges, each with an associated cost (e.g., construction expense, distance).

Using $NetworkX$, we can analyze the optimal road network to connect all cities at the lowest cost, using graph theory concepts like Minimum Spanning Tree ($MST$).

Problem Description:

  • Nodes: Cities (A, B, C, D, E)
  • Edges: Roads between the cities, each with a specific construction cost.
  • Goal: Develop an efficient infrastructure that connects all cities at the minimum construction cost.


  1. Graph Setup: Create a weighted graph where nodes represent cities and edges represent the roads, with weights corresponding to the construction costs.
  2. Use Prim’s Algorithm (Minimum Spanning Tree): Apply the $MST$ algorithm to find the optimal road network, ensuring all cities are connected at the minimum cost.
  3. Analysis: Identify which roads should be constructed and calculate the total cost of the infrastructure development.

Code Implementation:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a weighted graph where nodes are cities and edges are roads with costs
G = nx.Graph()

# Add nodes (cities)
cities = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

# Add weighted edges (roads with construction costs)
roads = [('A', 'B', 4), ('A', 'C', 2), ('B', 'C', 1), ('B', 'D', 5), ('C', 'D', 8), ('C', 'E', 10), ('D', 'E', 2)]

# Compute the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Prim's Algorithm
mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)

# Draw the original graph with road construction costs
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=700, node_color='lightblue', font_size=12)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels={(u, v): d['weight'] for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True)})
plt.title("Original Road Network with Construction Costs")

# Draw the Minimum Spanning Tree
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
nx.draw(mst, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=700, node_color='lightgreen', font_size=12, edge_color='blue')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(mst, pos, edge_labels={(u, v): d['weight'] for u, v, d in mst.edges(data=True)})
plt.title("Optimal Road Network (Minimum Spanning Tree)")

# Print the total cost of the infrastructure development
total_cost = sum(d['weight'] for u, v, d in mst.edges(data=True))
print(f"Total cost of infrastructure development: {total_cost}")


  1. Graph Setup: The cities (A, B, C, D, E) are nodes, and the roads between them are edges with weights representing construction costs.
  2. Minimum Spanning Tree ($MST$): NetworkX’s minimum_spanning_tree function is used to find the set of roads that connect all cities with the minimum total construction cost.
  3. Visualization: The original road network is visualized with construction costs, followed by the optimal network ($MST$) that minimizes the total cost.
  4. Cost Calculation: The total cost of the infrastructure development is computed based on the edges included in the $MST$.


  • The original graph represents the entire set of possible roads and their construction costs.
  • The $MST$ identifies the optimal subset of roads that minimizes the total cost while ensuring all cities are connected.
  • The total cost of the infrastructure development is printed, showing the efficiency of the optimized network.

This method can be scaled to larger, more complex infrastructure networks, providing a powerful tool for urban planners and engineers to design cost-efficient infrastructure projects.

Fraud Detection in Financial Networks using NetworkX

Fraud Detection in Financial Networks using NetworkX

Problem Statement:
In financial networks, fraud detection involves identifying unusual patterns of transactions or interactions between different entities (like bank accounts or individuals).

These patterns often deviate from normal behavior and can signal fraudulent activity such as money laundering, unauthorized transfers, or suspicious account activities.

In this example, we will build a financial transaction network where nodes represent entities (e.g., accounts), and edges represent transactions between them.

We will use anomaly detection techniques based on network properties such as transaction volume, degree centrality, and clustering to identify potentially fraudulent nodes.

Problem Setup

We have a network of financial transactions between different accounts.
Each transaction is represented by an edge, and its amount is recorded as a weight on the edge.

Our goal is to:

  1. Identify suspicious accounts based on abnormal transaction volumes or unusually high connectivity.
  2. Detect suspicious clusters of transactions that may indicate fraud rings (i.e., groups of accounts working together for illegal purposes).
  3. Highlight anomalies using graph metrics like betweenness centrality, degree centrality, and transaction flow patterns.

Example Transaction Network

Let’s create a financial network with accounts and transactions between them.

Python Implementation using NetworkX

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a directed graph representing the financial network
G = nx.DiGraph()

# Add nodes representing accounts
accounts = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8']

# Add edges representing transactions (with amounts as weights)
transactions = [
('A1', 'A2', 1500), # Account A1 sends 1500 to A2
('A2', 'A3', 3000),
('A3', 'A4', 1000),
('A4', 'A5', 7000),
('A5', 'A1', 600), # Suspicious: A1 receives money back from A5 in a cycle
('A2', 'A6', 9000), # Suspicious: large transfer
('A6', 'A7', 5000),
('A7', 'A8', 2000),
('A8', 'A1', 6000) # Suspicious: large inflow to A1

# Add edges to the graph with weights representing transaction amounts
for u, v, w in transactions:
G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w)

# Visualize the network
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=2000, node_color='lightblue', font_size=10, font_weight='bold', edge_color='gray')
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels)
plt.title("Financial Transaction Network")

# Analyze degree centrality to identify highly connected nodes (suspicious accounts)
degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
print("Degree Centrality (higher = more connections):", degree_centrality)

# Analyze betweenness centrality to find accounts with high transaction traffic passing through
betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, weight='weight')
print("Betweenness Centrality (higher = more likely to be suspicious):", betweenness_centrality)

# Detect communities (clusters of accounts) using greedy modularity
communities =
community_list = [list(c) for c in communities]
print("Detected communities (suspicious groups):", community_list)

# Highlight suspicious accounts based on threshold (e.g., degree centrality > 0.5)
suspicious_accounts = [node for node, centrality in degree_centrality.items() if centrality > 0.5]
print("Potentially suspicious accounts based on degree centrality:", suspicious_accounts)

Explanation of the Code

  1. Graph Representation:

    • The financial network is modeled as a directed graph using nx.DiGraph().
      Each node represents an account, and each edge represents a financial transaction between two accounts.
      The edge weight represents the transaction amount.
    • We added transactions between the accounts and assigned specific amounts to each transaction.
  2. Visualizing the Network:

    • The financial transaction network is plotted, with nodes representing accounts and edges representing transactions.
      The weights on the edges (shown as labels) indicate the amount of money transferred.
  3. Centrality Analysis:

    • Degree Centrality is used to identify nodes with a large number of connections. Accounts with higher degree centrality (either sending or receiving a lot of transactions) may be considered suspicious.
    • Betweenness Centrality measures how often a node appears on the shortest path between other nodes.
      Nodes with high betweenness centrality are considered critical for the flow of transactions and might be hubs in a fraud ring.
  4. Community Detection:

    • Greedy Modularity Community Detection is used to find groups of nodes (accounts) that are closely interconnected.
      These communities might represent clusters of accounts collaborating in fraudulent activities.
  5. Anomaly Detection:

    • Accounts that have high degree centrality (e.g., > $0.5$) or high betweenness centrality are flagged as potentially suspicious.
      These accounts are highly active or serve as intermediaries in suspicious transactions.

Example Output

The results show the following insights from the financial network analysis:

  1. Degree Centrality: Accounts A1 and A2 have the highest degree centrality ($0.43$), meaning they are more connected to other accounts and involved in more transactions compared to other nodes.

  2. Betweenness Centrality: Accounts A1 and A2 also have the highest betweenness centrality ($0.71$), indicating that they act as intermediaries for many transactions, potentially linking different parts of the network.

  3. Detected Communities: The accounts were split into two groups.
    The first group, which includes A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5, may represent a cluster of closely interacting accounts.
    The second group consists of A6, A7, and A8, forming another cluster.

  4. Suspicious Accounts: No accounts were flagged based on degree centrality, as none exceeded a predefined threshold for suspicious connectivity.

In summary, while no specific accounts were flagged as suspicious based on degree centrality, accounts A1 and A2 are key players in the network with significant connections and high transaction flow.

The detected communities could indicate potential collaboration or coordinated activity between the accounts in each group.

Real-World Relevance of Fraud Detection in Financial Networks

  • Money Laundering Detection: Accounts with unusually high connectivity or transactions passing through multiple accounts are often involved in money laundering schemes.
  • Transaction Monitoring: Banks and financial institutions use such network-based techniques to monitor and detect suspicious patterns in real time.
  • Fraud Rings: Community detection helps in identifying fraud rings where multiple accounts work together to conduct fraudulent transactions.


This example demonstrates how NetworkX can be used for fraud detection in financial networks by analyzing transaction patterns, centrality measures, and community structures.

By identifying suspicious accounts and transaction routes, we can flag potentially fraudulent activities for further investigation.

Supply Chain Optimization with Multiple Products and Routes

Supply Chain Optimization with Multiple Products and Routes

In this version of Supply Chain Optimization, we focus on a more complex network where different products are transported from multiple suppliers to customers through various warehouses.

The goal is to minimize the transportation costs and meet customer demands while considering different routes and the availability of each product.

Problem Definition

Consider a supply chain network with:

  • Suppliers: Provide two types of products (Product A and Product B).
  • Warehouses: Store both types of products and distribute them to retailers.
  • Retailers: Require a specific amount of each product to meet customer demand.

Supply Chain Layout

  1. Suppliers:
    • Supplier 1 (S1) provides Product A.
    • Supplier 2 (S2) provides Product B.
  2. Warehouses:
    • Warehouse 1 (W1)
    • Warehouse 2 (W2)
  3. Retailers:
    • Retailer 1 (R1) requires both Product A and Product B.
    • Retailer 2 (R2) requires both Product A and Product B.


  1. Model the supply chain network with multiple products and multiple routes as a directed graph.
  2. Minimize the transportation cost from suppliers to retailers while meeting the demands for each product.

Python Implementation

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a directed graph for the supply chain network
G = nx.DiGraph()

# Define demands for Product A and Product B at the retailers
demands = {
'R1_A': 15, # Retailer 1 demands 15 units of Product A
'R1_B': 10, # Retailer 1 demands 10 units of Product B
'R2_A': 10, # Retailer 2 demands 10 units of Product A
'R2_B': 20 # Retailer 2 demands 20 units of Product B

# Add edges with capacities (max units of goods that can be transported) and costs (weights)
# Supplier 1 supplies Product A to warehouses
G.add_edge('S1_A', 'W1_A', capacity=20, weight=5) # From Supplier 1 to Warehouse 1 for Product A
G.add_edge('S1_A', 'W2_A', capacity=15, weight=7) # From Supplier 1 to Warehouse 2 for Product A

# Supplier 2 supplies Product B to warehouses
G.add_edge('S2_B', 'W1_B', capacity=25, weight=4) # From Supplier 2 to Warehouse 1 for Product B
G.add_edge('S2_B', 'W2_B', capacity=10, weight=6) # From Supplier 2 to Warehouse 2 for Product B

# Warehouses distribute Product A and B to retailers
G.add_edge('W1_A', 'R1_A', capacity=20, weight=3) # Product A from Warehouse 1 to Retailer 1
G.add_edge('W1_B', 'R1_B', capacity=10, weight=3) # Product B from Warehouse 1 to Retailer 1
G.add_edge('W2_A', 'R2_A', capacity=10, weight=4) # Product A from Warehouse 2 to Retailer 2
G.add_edge('W2_B', 'R2_B', capacity=20, weight=5) # Product B from Warehouse 2 to Retailer 2

# Add super source (SS) and super sink (TS) for combining the flows of Product A and B
G.add_edge('SS', 'S1_A', capacity=20)
G.add_edge('SS', 'S2_B', capacity=25)
G.add_edge('R1_A', 'TS', capacity=15) # Retailer 1 requires 15 units of Product A
G.add_edge('R1_B', 'TS', capacity=10) # Retailer 1 requires 10 units of Product B
G.add_edge('R2_A', 'TS', capacity=10) # Retailer 2 requires 10 units of Product A
G.add_edge('R2_B', 'TS', capacity=20) # Retailer 2 requires 20 units of Product B

# Visualize the supply chain network
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=2000, node_color='lightgreen', font_size=10, font_weight='bold', edge_color='gray')
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'capacity')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels)
plt.title("Multi-Product Supply Chain Network")

# Compute maximum flow from super source to super sink
flow_value, flow_dict = nx.maximum_flow(G, 'SS', 'TS')
print("Maximum flow (Product A and Product B) from suppliers to retailers:", flow_value)
print("Flow distribution:", flow_dict)

# Shortest path by transportation cost (for cost minimization)
shortest_path_A = nx.shortest_path(G, source='SS', target='R1_A', weight='weight')
shortest_path_B = nx.shortest_path(G, source='SS', target='R2_B', weight='weight')
print("Shortest path for Product A (by transportation cost):", shortest_path_A)
print("Shortest path for Product B (by transportation cost):", shortest_path_B)

Explanation of the Code

  1. Graph Construction:

    • We represent the supply chain as a directed graph.
      The products (Product A and Product B) are treated separately, and the nodes and edges are labeled accordingly.
    • Each edge has two attributes: capacity (maximum units of product that can be transported) and weight (cost of transportation).
  2. Super Source and Sink:

    • We add a super source node (“SS”) to represent both suppliers and a super sink node (“TS”) to represent both retailers.
    • This setup helps combine the flow of both products (Product A and Product B) for analysis.
  3. Maximum Flow Calculation:

    • The maximum flow algorithm calculates the maximum amount of both products that can be transported through the supply chain while respecting capacity constraints.
  4. Shortest Path Calculation:

    • The shortest path algorithm (minimizing the transportation cost) calculates the least expensive transportation route for both Product A and Product B from suppliers to retailers.

Explanation of Results

  1. Supply Chain Network Visualization:

    • The network shows how products are routed from suppliers to retailers via warehouses.
      The capacity labels on the edges represent how many units of each product can be transported along each route.
  2. Maximum Flow:

    • The maximum flow result gives the total amount of Product A and Product B that can be transported from suppliers to retailers while considering warehouse capacities.
    • The result also includes a flow dictionary that shows how much of each product is transported along each edge.

    Example Output:

    Maximum flow (Product A and Product B) from suppliers to retailers: 40
    Flow distribution: {'S1_A': {'W1_A': 15, 'W2_A': 5}, 'W1_A': {'R1_A': 15}, 'W2_A': {'R2_A': 5}, 'S2_B': {'W1_B': 10, 'W2_B': 10}, 'W1_B': {'R1_B': 10}, 'W2_B': {'R2_B': 10}, 'R1_A': {'TS': 15}, 'R1_B': {'TS': 10}, 'R2_A': {'TS': 5}, 'R2_B': {'TS': 10}, 'SS': {'S1_A': 20, 'S2_B': 20}, 'TS': {}}
  3. Shortest Path (by cost):

    • The shortest path for each product indicates the least expensive routes to transport Product A and Product B to their respective retailers.

    Example Output:

    Shortest path for Product A (by transportation cost): ['SS', 'S1_A', 'W1_A', 'R1_A']
    Shortest path for Product B (by transportation cost): ['SS', 'S2_B', 'W2_B', 'R2_B']

Supply Chain Optimization Relevance

  • Maximum Flow Analysis: Helps to understand how efficiently both products (Product A and Product B) can be transported through the supply chain to meet the demands of both retailers.
  • Cost Minimization: The shortest path analysis provides the optimal route for minimizing transportation costs for each product, allowing businesses to operate more cost-effectively.
  • Product Separation: By modeling different products separately, businesses can better allocate resources and optimize individual product flows across the supply chain.


This example illustrates how NetworkX can be used for Supply Chain Optimization involving multiple products and transportation routes.

The code efficiently models the supply chain, computes the maximum flow of goods, and identifies the most cost-effective transportation routes.

Analyzing a Social Network with NetworkX

Analyzing a Social Network with NetworkX

In Social Network Analysis (SNA), we examine how individuals (nodes) are connected to each other via social relationships (edges).

These connections may represent friendships, collaborations, or communication links between people.

The goal of the analysis is to identify key individuals, communities, and understand the structure of the network.

Problem Definition

We are given a simple social network where:

  • Nodes represent individuals (users).
  • Edges represent friendships or interactions between these individuals.


  1. Build a social network graph representing individuals and their connections.
  2. Calculate centrality measures to identify the most influential individuals in the network.
  3. Detect communities (groups of tightly connected individuals).
  4. Visualize the social network using NetworkX.

Social Network Layout:

  • User A is friends with User B, User C, and User D.
  • User B is also friends with User C.
  • User C is friends with User D and User E.
  • User D is friends with User F.
  • User E is friends with User F and User G.


We’ll use NetworkX to model this social network and perform analysis, such as calculating centrality, community detection, and shortest paths between users.

Python Implementation

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a graph for the social network
G = nx.Graph()

# Add edges representing friendships between users
G.add_edge('UserA', 'UserB')
G.add_edge('UserA', 'UserC')
G.add_edge('UserA', 'UserD')
G.add_edge('UserB', 'UserC')
G.add_edge('UserC', 'UserD')
G.add_edge('UserC', 'UserE')
G.add_edge('UserD', 'UserF')
G.add_edge('UserE', 'UserF')
G.add_edge('UserE', 'UserG')

# Visualize the social network
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # Position nodes using a force-directed layout
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color='lightblue', edge_color='gray', node_size=2000, font_size=12, font_weight='bold')
plt.title("Social Network Graph")

# Calculate centrality (degree centrality: importance based on number of connections)
centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
print("Centrality of each user:")
for user, centrality_value in centrality.items():
print(f"{user}: {centrality_value:.2f}")

# Identify communities using a simple modularity-based method
from import greedy_modularity_communities
communities = list(greedy_modularity_communities(G))

# Display detected communities
print("\nDetected Communities:")
for i, community in enumerate(communities):
print(f"Community {i+1}: {sorted(community)}")

# Shortest path between UserA and UserG
shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(G, source='UserA', target='UserG')
print(f"\nShortest path between UserA and UserG: {shortest_path}")

Explanation of the Code

  1. Graph Construction:

    • We represent each user as a node and each friendship as an edge between two users. This graph is undirected since friendships are mutual.
  2. Visualization:

    • We use a force-directed layout (spring_layout) to position the nodes, which spreads them out naturally, and visualize the connections between users.
  3. Centrality Calculation:

    • Degree centrality is calculated to determine which users have the most connections (i.e., who are the most “influential” in terms of direct friendships).
  4. Community Detection:

    • We use modularity-based community detection (greedy_modularity_communities) to identify groups of users that are more closely connected to each other than to other users.
      This helps in understanding sub-groups or clusters within the network.
  5. Shortest Path Calculation:

    • The shortest path between two users (UserA and UserG) is computed using NetworkX’s shortest_path function.
      This shows the minimal number of steps required to connect one user to another, which can represent the minimum number of interactions or connections needed for information to travel between them.

Explanation of Results

  1. Social Network Visualization:

    • The graph shows how different users are connected, visually representing the structure of the social network.
  2. Centrality of Each User:

    • Degree centrality measures the number of direct connections each user has:
      • Users like UserC will have higher centrality because they are directly connected to more users (hence, more influential).
      • Users like UserG will have lower centrality, as they are connected to fewer users.

    Example Output:

    Centrality of each user:
    UserA: 0.50
    UserB: 0.33
    UserC: 0.67
    UserD: 0.50
    UserE: 0.50
    UserF: 0.33
    UserG: 0.17
  3. Community Detection:

    • The detected communities represent groups of users who are more tightly connected. For example:
      • One community might be: ['UserA', 'UserB', 'UserC'].
      • Another community might be: ['UserD', 'UserF'].

    Example Output:

    Detected Communities:
    Community 1: ['UserA', 'UserB', 'UserC']
    Community 2: ['UserD', 'UserF']
    Community 3: ['UserE', 'UserG']
  4. Shortest Path:

    • The shortest path between UserA and UserG represents the minimal number of connections needed to “reach” UserG from UserA.
      This is useful for understanding how information or influence could spread in the network.

    Example Output:

    Shortest path between UserA and UserG: ['UserA', 'UserC', 'UserE', 'UserG']

Social Network Analysis Relevance

  • Centrality helps identify key individuals who can influence the network, such as community leaders or highly connected individuals.
  • Community Detection reveals subgroups or clusters of individuals, which may represent teams, friend groups, or any other cohesive social unit.
  • Shortest Path analysis helps in understanding how quickly information (or influence) can propagate across the network.


This example demonstrates how to use NetworkX to perform Social Network Analysis ($SNA$).

The code covers essential aspects such as network visualization, centrality calculations, community detection, and shortest path analysis.

These tools are critical for understanding social structures and identifying key individuals or groups in a network.