Seaborn Violin Plot with Split:A Complex Visualization for Group Comparison

The violinplot function in $Seaborn$ is a versatile tool for visualizing the distribution of data and comparing multiple groups.

By adding the split parameter, we can create a split $violin$ $plot$, which provides a powerful way to compare distributions within each category side-by-side in one plot.

This type of visualization is especially useful for examining how a categorical variable affects the distribution of a continuous variable, with an additional split for another category.

In this example, we’ll use the tips dataset from $Seaborn$, which includes data on restaurant bills and tips, as well as the gender and smoking preferences of customers.

We’ll create a split $violin$ $plot$ to analyze how the distribution of tips differs between genders, while also examining the effect of smoking status.

Step-by-Step Explanation and Code

  1. Load the Data:
    The tips dataset includes information on variables like total_bill, tip, sex, and smoker.
    We will focus on tip as our main variable, split by sex and smoker.

  2. Create the Split Violin Plot:
    We’ll use sex to split the plot into two halves, one for each gender, and smoker to show the distribution within each half.

  3. Customize the Plot:
    We’ll add labels, adjust colors, and enhance readability with an informative title.

Here’s the code to create the plot:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("tips")

# Create a split violin plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.violinplot(data=df, x="day", y="tip", hue="sex", split=True, inner="quart", palette="pastel")

# Customize the plot
plt.title("Distribution of Tips by Day, Split by Gender")
plt.xlabel("Day of the Week")
plt.ylabel("Tip Amount ($)")
plt.legend(title="Gender", loc="upper left")

Detailed Explanation

  1. Data Preparation:

    • We load the tips dataset, which includes the columns day (day of the week), tip (tip amount), sex (gender), and smoker (smoking status).
      In this case, we use day as the x-axis, tip as the y-axis, and sex to split each $violin$ $plot$.
  2. Creating the Violin Plot:

    • sns.violinplot(...) creates the main visualization.
    • x="day": We set the x-axis to represent the day of the week, grouping tips by each day.
    • y="tip": We plot the tip amount on the y-axis.
    • hue="sex": We use sex to color the violins, allowing for comparison between genders.
    • split=True: This parameter splits each violin in half, showing one half for each gender. This provides a side-by-side view of the tip distribution for each gender within each day.
    • inner="quart": Adds inner lines to the violins representing the quartiles, giving more information about the spread of the data within each group.
    • palette="pastel": The pastel color palette makes the plot visually appealing and easy to interpret.
  3. Customizing the Plot:

    • plt.title(...): Adds a title to clarify the purpose of the plot.
    • plt.xlabel(...) and plt.ylabel(...): Labels the axes for clarity.
    • plt.legend(...): Adjusts the legend title and placement, enhancing readability.


This split $violin$ $plot$ provides insights into the distribution of tips by day, separated by gender:

  • Distribution Shape: The width of each violin shows the frequency of tips within different ranges. For example, wider sections indicate a higher concentration of tip amounts.
  • Gender Comparison: Each half of the violin represents a different gender, allowing us to see differences in tip distribution within each day. For instance, if one half is significantly wider than the other, it suggests that one gender tips differently on that day.
  • Day-Specific Insights: The plot is grouped by day, so we can observe if there are particular days when tips are higher or more variable.


The resulting plot will show two halves for each day of the week, with each half representing the distribution of tips by gender.

This layout allows us to easily compare how tips differ between genders on different days, as well as to see general distribution patterns.


The split $violin$ $plot$ in $Seaborn$ is an effective way to explore and compare distributions within categorical groups.

By using a split based on gender and day in this example, we gain insights into how tipping behavior varies both by gender and across different days of the week, making it a valuable tool for complex exploratory data analysis in various fields.