Here’s a more complicated visualization example using $Seaborn$, which includes a combination of different plot types, customized aesthetics, and advanced features like hue, size, and style mappings.
This graph will visualize the relationship between multiple variables in a dataset, offering insights into complex interactions.
Complex Seaborn Visualization: Multi-Variable Plot with Customizations
import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd
# Load the 'penguins' dataset from Seaborn penguins = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
# Set the aesthetic style of the plots sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# Create a scatter plot with different markers for species and a regression line plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) sns.scatterplot( data=penguins, x="bill_length_mm", y="bill_depth_mm", hue="species", style="island", size="flipper_length_mm", sizes=(20, 200), palette="deep", markers=["o", "s", "D"], edgecolor="black" )
# Add a regression line for each species sns.regplot( data=penguins, x="bill_length_mm", y="bill_depth_mm", scatter=False, color="gray", line_kws={'lw': 1, 'linestyle': '--'} )
# Customize the legend plt.legend( title='Species, Island, & Flipper Length', title_fontsize='13', fontsize='10', loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), borderaxespad=0 )
# Add a title and labels plt.title("Penguins: Bill Length vs. Bill Depth with Flipper Length and Island Information", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel("Bill Length (mm)", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Bill Depth (mm)", fontsize=14)
# Show the plot plt.tight_layout()
Explanation of the Plot
Scatter Plot: The scatter plot displays the relationship between bill length and bill depth for penguins, with points representing individual penguins.
Hue: Different species of penguins are distinguished by different colors.
Style: Penguins from different islands are shown with different marker styles (circle, square, diamond).
Size: The size of the markers corresponds to the flipper length, with larger markers representing longer flippers.
Regression Line: A dashed regression line is overlaid to show the trend between bill length and depth for the entire dataset.
Legend: The legend provides information on species, island, and flipper length, helping to interpret the plot.
This visualization combines multiple layers of information into a single, interpretable plot, making it ideal for exploring complex datasets where multiple variables interact.
Here’s a more complex example using $Seaborn$ that involves multiple types of plots combined into a single figure.
This example demonstrates a $FacetGrid$ with customizations, including different plots for subsets of data and a combined heatmap with a categorical scatter plot.
1. FacetGrid with Multiple Plots
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import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec
# Load the Titanic dataset titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
# Create a FacetGrid showing survival rate across different classes and genders g = sns.FacetGrid(titanic, row="sex", col="class", margin_titles=True, height=4), "age", bins=20, kde=True)
# Add a title plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) g.fig.suptitle('Survival Rate by Age, Sex, and Class')
import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd
# Load the flights dataset flights = sns.load_dataset("flights")
# Pivot the dataset for a heatmap flights_pivot = flights.pivot(index="month", columns="year", values="passengers")
# Set up the figure with a specific layout fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[1, 3])
# Heatmap on the left ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 0]) sns.heatmap(flights_pivot, annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax0)
# Categorical scatter plot (strip plot) on the right ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) sns.stripplot(x="year", y="passengers", data=flights, jitter=True, ax=ax1)
# Add a title and labels ax0.set_title('Flights Heatmap (Year vs Month)') ax1.set_title('Yearly Passenger Distribution') ax1.set_ylabel('')
# Show the plot plt.tight_layout()
3. Violin Plot with a Swarm Plot Overlay
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import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the iris dataset iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")
# Create a violin plot sns.violinplot(x="species", y="petal_length", data=iris, inner=None, palette="Set2")
# Overlay with a swarm plot sns.swarmplot(x="species", y="petal_length", data=iris, color="k", alpha=0.7)
# Add a title plt.title("Violin and Swarm Plot of Iris Petal Length by Species")
# Show the plot
4. PairGrid with Custom Plots
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import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the tips dataset tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
# Create a PairGrid with different plots on the diagonal, upper, and lower triangles g = sns.PairGrid(tips, diag_sharey=False) g.map_upper(sns.scatterplot) g.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d") g.map_diag(sns.histplot, kde_kws={"color": "k"})
# Add a title g.fig.suptitle('PairGrid with Custom Plots', y=1.02)
# Show the plot
These examples demonstrate more advanced uses of $Seaborn$, including combining different plot types, customizing layouts, and visualizing complex datasets.
import xgboost as xgb from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# Load the Iris dataset iris = load_iris() X = y =
# Split the data into training and testing sets X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Convert the dataset into DMatrix, which is XGBoost's internal data structure dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test)
# Set parameters for XGBoost params = { 'objective': 'multi:softmax', # Specify the loss function 'num_class': 3, # Number of classes in the dataset 'max_depth': 3, # Maximum depth of a tree 'eta': 0.3, # Step size shrinkage 'eval_metric': 'mlogloss'# Evaluation metric }
# Train the model num_rounds = 50# Number of boosting rounds bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_rounds)
# Make predictions on the test set y_pred = bst.predict(dtest)
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource import numpy as np
# Prepare data x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 100) y = np.sin(x)
Here is a basic example of using $OR-Tools$ in $Python$ to solve a simple linear programming problem.
$OR-Tools$ is a powerful optimization library provided by Google, and it can be used to solve a wide range of problems, including linear programming, mixed-integer programming, constraint programming, and more.
Example: Linear Programming with OR-Tools
This example demonstrates solving a linear programming problem where we want to maximize the objective function $3x + 4y$ subject to some constraints.
defmain(): # Create the solver with the SCIP backend. solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP') ifnot solver: return
# Create the variables x and y. x = solver.NumVar(0, solver.infinity(), 'x') y = solver.NumVar(0, solver.infinity(), 'y')
# Create the constraints. solver.Add(2 * x + 3 * y <= 12) solver.Add(4 * x + y <= 14) solver.Add(3 * x - y >= 0)
# Define the objective function. objective = solver.Maximize(3 * x + 4 * y)
# Solve the problem. status = solver.Solve()
# Check the result status. if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL: print('Solution:') print('Objective value =', solver.Objective().Value()) print('x =', x.solution_value()) print('y =', y.solution_value()) else: print('The problem does not have an optimal solution.')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Solver: We create a solver instance using pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP'). $SCIP$ is a powerful mixed-integer programming solver, and $OR-Tools$ uses it as one of its backends.
Variables: We define two variables, x and y, both with a lower bound of 0 and an upper bound of infinity.
Constraints: We add three constraints:
$(2x + 3y \leq 12)$
$(4x + y \leq 14)$
$(3x - y \geq 0)$
Objective: We want to maximize the function $3x + 4y$.
Solve: The solver solves the problem, and we check if an optimal solution was found.
Result: If a solution is found, it prints the optimal objective value and the values of x and y.
1 2 3 4
Solution: Objective value = 17.0 x = 2.9999999999999996 y = 2.0000000000000018
Let’s break down the result of the optimization problem using $OR-Tools$:
Objective Value:
Objective value = 17.0: This is the maximum value of the objective function 3x + 4y given the constraints. The solver found that this is the highest value that can be achieved without violating any of the constraints.
Variable Values:
x = 2.9999999999999996: This is the optimal value of the variable x that maximizes the objective function. Due to floating-point precision in computational mathematics, this value is extremely close to 3 (but not exactly 3).
y = 2.0000000000000018: Similarly, this is the optimal value of the variable y. This value is extremely close to 2.
Floating-Point Precision: The values 2.9999999999999996 for x and 2.0000000000000018 for y are due to the way computers handle floating-point arithmetic. In practice, these values can be considered as x = 3 and y = 2.
Objective Function Calculation: Given the optimal values of x and y, we can calculate the objective function: $$ 3x + 4y = 3(3) + 4(2) = 9 + 8 = 17 $$ This confirms that the objective value of 17.0 is indeed the maximum value that can be achieved under the given constraints.
The solver has determined that to achieve the maximum value of 17 for the objective function 3x + 4y, the values of x and y should be approximately 3 and 2, respectively.
The slight deviations from exact integers are due to the limitations of floating-point representation in computers.
Running the Code
To run this code, ensure you have installed the $OR-Tools$ package. You can install it using pip:
pip install ortools
This example should give you a good starting point for working with $OR-Tools$ in $Python$.
# Calculate some basic metrics print("Nodes in the graph:", G.nodes()) print("Edges in the graph:", G.edges())
# Degree of each node print("\nNode degrees:") for node, degree in print(f"{node}: {degree}")
# Shortest path from A to D print("\nShortest path from A to D:", nx.shortest_path(G, source="A", target="D"))
# Clustering coefficient of each node print("\nClustering coefficient:") for node, clustering in nx.clustering(G).items(): print(f"{node}: {clustering}")
# Graph density print("\nGraph density:", nx.density(G))
Explanation of the Code:
Graph Creation:
We create a new undirected graph using nx.Graph().
Nodes (“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”) are added individually.
Edges are added between nodes to define the relationships.
Graph Visualization:
The nx.draw() function is used to visualize the graph. Nodes and edges are displayed with specified colors and sizes. displays the plot.
Basic Graph Metrics:
Nodes and Edges: G.nodes() and G.edges() list all nodes and edges in the graph.
Degree: The degree of each node is calculated using, which tells you how many connections each node has.
Shortest Path: The shortest path between two nodes is calculated using nx.shortest_path().
Clustering Coefficient: The clustering coefficient measures the degree to which nodes in the graph tend to cluster together.
Density: The density of a graph is calculated using nx.density(), which gives the ratio of the number of edges to the number of possible edges.
The graph is visualized with nodes labeled “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”.
The console will display the nodes, edges, degree of each node, the shortest path from node “A” to node “D”, the clustering coefficient of each node, and the overall graph density.
3. Advanced Example: Directed Graph with Weighted Edges
Here’s an example with a directed graph, weighted edges, and calculation of PageRank.
# Define the data for the problem c = np.array([1, 2]) # Coefficients for the objective function A = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 2]]) # Coefficients for the constraints b = np.array([2, 1, 2]) # Right-hand side values for the constraints
# Define the optimization variables x = cp.Variable(2)
# Define the objective function: minimize c^T x objective = cp.Minimize(c @ x)
# Define the constraints: Ax <= b and x >= 0 constraints = [A @ x <= b, x >= 0]
# Formulate the problem problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
# Solve the problem problem.solve()
# Print the results print("Status:", problem.status) print("Optimal value of the objective function:", problem.value) print("Optimal values of the variables x:", x.value)
Objective Function: c @ x is the dot product of the vector c with the variable vector x. We aim to minimize this value.
Constraints: A @ x <= b represents the inequality constraints, and x >= 0 ensures that the variables are non-negative.
Optimization: problem.solve() solves the optimization problem, and the optimal solution is stored in x.value.
When you run this code, it will output the status of the optimization (e.g., “optimal”), the optimal value of the objective function, and the optimal values of the decision variables $( x )$.
1 2 3
Status: optimal Optimal value of the objective function: 3.698490338406144e-10 Optimal values of the variables x: [3.59660015e-10 5.09450927e-12]
This example is a basic introduction, but $CVXPY$ can handle more complex problems, including quadratic programming, mixed-integer programming, and other types of convex optimization problems.
# Step 6: Plot the forecast model.plot(forecast)
# Step 7: Plot the forecast components model.plot_components(forecast)
ds: The column containing the dates.
y: The column containing the values to be forecasted.
fit: The method to train the model with your time series data.
make_future_dataframe: Prepares a dataframe to hold future predictions.
predict: Generates predictions for the given dates.
plot: Visualizes the forecast along with the observed data.
plot_components: Breaks down the forecast into its components (e.g., trend, weekly seasonality).
Running this code will generate a plot of the time series data with the forecasted values and their uncertainty intervals, as well as a breakdown of the forecast components.