Problem Statement: Debt Dynamics with Stochastic Shocks
Analyze the debt-to-GDP ratio of a country over time under stochastic (random) variations in interest rates $(r_t)$ and GDP growth rates $(g_t)$.
This captures the uncertainty in economic conditions and provides insights into debt sustainability in a volatile environment.
The debt-to-GDP ratio evolves as:
b_{t+1} = b_t \cdot \frac{1 + r_t}{1 + g_t} - p
- $b_t$: Debt-to-GDP ratio at time $t$.
- $r_t$: Random interest rate at $t$, drawn from a normal distribution.
- $g_t$: Random GDP growth rate at $t$, drawn from a normal distribution.
- $p$: Primary balance as a percentage of GDP ($p > 0$ for surplus, $p < 0$ for deficit).
The randomness in $r_t$ and $g_t$ represents economic uncertainties, such as financial market shocks or unexpected GDP contractions.
Python Code
1 | import numpy as np |
Explanation of Code
Stochastic Variables:
- The interest rate $(r_t)$ and GDP growth rate $(g_t)$ are drawn from normal distributions with specified means and standard deviations.
- This randomness models real-world economic uncertainties.
Debt Evolution:
- At each time step, the debt-to-GDP ratio evolves based on the stochastic parameters.
- The debt-to-GDP trajectory shows the impact of economic volatility.
- The shaded region emphasizes the fluctuation over time.
Initial Debt-to-GDP Ratio: 0.80 Debt-to-GDP Ratio After 50 Years: 2.31 Average Interest Rate: 2.77% Average GDP Growth Rate: 2.03%
Debt Path:
- The debt-to-GDP ratio fluctuates due to variations in interest rates and GDP growth rates.
- Persistent high interest rates or low growth can lead to unsustainable debt.
Long-Term Trend:
- The final debt-to-GDP ratio depends on the cumulative effect of the stochastic shocks.
Policy Implications:
- Governments should account for uncertainty when setting fiscal targets.
- Debt sustainability requires managing both expected trends and risks.