Optimizing Building Shape with DEAP

Optimizing Building Shape with DEAP

Let’s tackle an optimization problem where we optimize the shape of a building to balance structural efficiency and aesthetic design using $DEAP$.

This type of problem is known as architectural form optimization and is crucial in fields like sustainable design and engineering.

Problem: Shape Optimization of a Building

The goal is to optimize the shape of a building to minimize the material cost and maximize structural efficiency, while also adhering to aesthetic constraints.

The building’s shape is represented by a set of geometric parameters, such as the dimensions of floors and curvature of the walls.


We aim to balance the following objectives:

  1. Structural efficiency: The building must be stable, with minimal stress in critical areas.
  2. Material cost: The total amount of building material used should be minimized.
  3. Aesthetic constraints: The building should maintain a desired aesthetic, such as symmetry or a specified curvature.

Problem Definition

We will consider a simple tower with the following shape variables:

  1. Height $( h )$ (ranging between $50$ to $200$ meters).
  2. Base radius $( r_b )$ (ranging between $10$ to $50$ meters).
  3. Top radius $( r_t )$ (ranging between $5$ to $30$ meters).

The building’s structure will be a tapering cylindrical shape, where the top radius might be smaller than the base radius. The cost function incorporates structural stress and material usage.

Total Material Volume (Cost):

The material cost is proportional to the volume of the structure:

V(h, r_b, r_t) = \pi \times h \times \frac{r_b^2 + r_b r_t + r_t^2}{3}

Structural Efficiency:

We define structural efficiency as inversely proportional to the maximum stress in the building.
The stress depends on the height, base, and top radius:

S(h, r_b, r_t) = \frac{h}{r_b + r_t}

The objective is to minimize the material volume while maintaining structural efficiency by ensuring that the stress $( S )$ does not exceed a given threshold.

Aesthetic Constraint:

To maintain symmetry and aesthetic appeal, the base and top radii must be proportionally related, and a penalty is applied if the relationship deviates too much from a desired ratio $( r_b/r_t \approx 2 )$.

Multi-Objective Optimization:

We want to:

  1. Minimize the material volume $( V(h, r_b, r_t) )$,
  2. Maximize the structural efficiency $( \frac{1}{S(h, r_b, r_t)} )$,
  3. Respect the aesthetic constraint $( \frac{r_b}{r_t} \approx 2 )$.

DEAP Implementation

We will use $DEAP$ to solve this multi-objective optimization problem.

Each individual will represent a set of parameters $( (h, r_b, r_t) )$, and $DEAP$ will evolve the population over generations to find the optimal balance between structural efficiency, material cost, and aesthetic constraints.

Here’s how we can model this using $DEAP$:

import random
import numpy as np
from deap import base, creator, tools, algorithms

# Define the fitness function (multi-objective)
def fitness_function(individual):
h, r_b, r_t = individual
# Volume of the building (minimize)
volume = np.pi * h * (r_b**2 + r_b * r_t + r_t**2) / 3
# Structural stress (minimize stress, so maximize its inverse)
stress = h / (r_b + r_t)
structural_efficiency = 1.0 / stress
# Aesthetic constraint (penalty for deviation from the ratio r_b/r_t ≈ 2)
aesthetic_penalty = abs((r_b / r_t) - 2)
return volume, -structural_efficiency + aesthetic_penalty

# Set bounds for the variables (height, base radius, top radius)
BOUND_LOW = [50, 10, 5]
BOUND_UP = [200, 50, 30]

# Create the DEAP environment
creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0, -1.0)) # Minimize both objectives
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin)

toolbox = base.Toolbox()
toolbox.register("attr_float", random.uniform, 50, 200)
toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual, toolbox.attr_float, n=3)
toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)

toolbox.register("evaluate", fitness_function)
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxBlend, alpha=0.5)
toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutGaussian, mu=0, sigma=10, indpb=0.2)
toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA2) # Use NSGA-II for multi-objective optimization

# Custom bounds checking function
def checkBounds(individual):
for i in range(len(individual)):
if individual[i] < BOUND_LOW[i]:
individual[i] = BOUND_LOW[i]
elif individual[i] > BOUND_UP[i]:
individual[i] = BOUND_UP[i]

# Algorithm parameters
population_size = 100
generations = 200
cx_prob = 0.7 # Crossover probability
mut_prob = 0.2 # Mutation probability

# Apply bounds after crossover and mutation
def main():
pop = toolbox.population(n=population_size)
hof = tools.HallOfFame(1) # Keep track of the best individual

stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: ind.fitness.values)
stats.register("avg", np.mean)
stats.register("min", np.min)

# Evolutionary algorithm with bounds checking
for gen in range(generations):
offspring = toolbox.select(pop, len(pop))
offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))

# Apply crossover and mutation
for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
if random.random() < cx_prob:
toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
del child1.fitness.values
del child2.fitness.values

for mutant in offspring:
if random.random() < mut_prob:
del mutant.fitness.values

# Evaluate individuals with invalid fitness
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid]
fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
ind.fitness.values = fit

# Replace the old population with offspring
pop[:] = offspring

# Gather and print statistics
record = stats.compile(pop)
print(f"Generation {gen}: {record}")

# Output the best solution
best_ind = hof[0]
print(f"Best individual (h, r_b, r_t): {best_ind}")
print(f"Best fitness (volume, -structural_efficiency): {best_ind.fitness.values}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation of the Code

  1. Fitness Function: We define the fitness function to minimize the building’s material volume and maximize its structural efficiency.
    We also include an aesthetic penalty for deviating from the desired ratio between the base and top radii.
  2. Multi-Objective Optimization: Since this is a multi-objective problem (minimizing volume while maximizing efficiency), we use the NSGA-II algorithm (selNSGA2) to handle the trade-offs between conflicting objectives.
  3. Constraints: Bounds are enforced on the height, base radius, and top radius to ensure the building remains within practical limits.
  4. Crossover and Mutation: The algorithm uses blend crossover (cxBlend) and Gaussian mutation (mutGaussian) to evolve the population.
    These operators modify the building parameters slightly in each generation.
  5. Evolutionary Process: Over $200$ generations, the algorithm evolves the population, selecting individuals based on their fitness in both objectives (volume and structural efficiency).

Running the Algorithm

When you run the genetic algorithm, $DEAP$ will evolve the population of building designs over generations.

The algorithm will return the best-performing design (the individual with the optimal combination of height, base radius, and top radius), balancing material cost, structural efficiency, and aesthetic constraints.

Real-World Applications

  1. Skyscraper Design: Optimizing the structural form of tall buildings for both cost-efficiency and stability.
  2. Sustainable Architecture: Minimizing the environmental impact of construction by reducing material use while maintaining aesthetic integrity.
  3. Bridge Design: Optimizing the shape of bridges to ensure they can support loads efficiently without using excessive materials.


This example demonstrates how $DEAP$ can be used for multi-objective optimization in architectural design, balancing structural efficiency, cost, and aesthetics.

By evolving the shape of the building over generations, the genetic algorithm helps identify an optimal design that satisfies multiple conflicting objectives.


gen    nevals    avg        min         max    
0      100       30.2031    -4.58459    84.9431
1      57        45.4312    -1.22051    98.6147
2      52        60.872     19.0426     96.3292
3      55        73.3576    32.0905     102.15 
4      65        83.0544    56.0338     104.981
5      45        90.9604    70.2838     109.471
6      59        96.4952    64.7244     109.471
7      63        101.721    87.239      109.868
8      66        104.533    86.682      110    
9      60        106.674    90.7454     110    
10     64        108.301    102.908     110    
11     62        108.925    92.2664     110    
12     62        109.677    96.9721     110    
13     56        109.771    102.924     110    
14     56        109.285    84.0149     110    
15     65        109.414    90.0117     110    
16     56        109.357    95.1722     110    
17     56        109.342    85.5902     110    
18     58        109.865    105.307     110    
19     53        109.69     88.9731     110    
20     61        109.469    95.8403     110    
21     64        109.958    107.5       110    
22     63        109.67     87.5967     110    
23     56        109.629    92.1763     110    
24     65        109.545    85.6428     110    
25     72        109.739    93.9295     110    
26     53        109.845    102.354     110    
27     56        109.65     100.067     110    
28     68        109.394    85.0092     110    
29     63        109.1      81.3666     110    
30     49        109.887    102.778     110    
31     68        109.54     89.2593     110    
32     67        109.845    100.159     110    
33     59        109.464    88.0685     110    
34     62        109.652    100.051     110    
35     63        109.398    95.8296     110    
36     56        109.734    96.4426     110    
37     62        109.999    109.915     110    
38     63        109.203    78.4034     110    
39     61        109.808    96.6963     110    
40     57        109.668    101.347     110    
41     63        109.872    107.208     110    
42     61        109.653    97.3602     110    
43     54        109.733    97.9184     110    
44     47        109.461    87.6114     110    
45     55        109.545    95.4545     110    
46     49        109.942    106.151     110    
47     60        109.823    98.3643     110    
48     53        109.587    96.8339     110    
49     57        109.353    90.8686     110    
50     64        109.675    93.9186     110    
51     58        109.565    90.6717     110    
52     76        109.601    97.3458     110    
53     53        109.642    91.4243     110    
54     64        109.417    93.5573     110    
55     60        109.766    99.543      110    
56     50        109.572    90.7425     110    
57     65        109.86     98.1754     110    
58     59        109.617    89.4655     110    
59     55        109.805    103.898     110    
60     58        109.668    94.2321     110    
61     57        109.912    101.181     110    
62     64        109.521    97.1337     110    
63     60        109.672    97.3061     110    
64     51        109.646    94.9934     110    
65     62        109.774    97.9661     110    
66     44        109.683    92.1023     110    
67     69        109.404    76.2358     110    
68     62        109.533    80.385      110    
69     45        109.706    100.829     110    
70     62        109.833    102.379     110    
71     51        109.57     86.7019     110    
72     59        109.619    93.0737     110    
73     59        109.696    90.8966     110    
74     57        109.765    92.5364     110    
75     65        109.544    83.7875     110    
76     61        109.884    105.476     110    
77     58        109.503    91.5296     110    
78     57        109.686    95.8519     110    
79     69        109.523    97.5127     110    
80     64        109.629    96.7788     110    
81     63        109.349    85.8037     110    
82     70        109.662    92.9332     110    
83     49        109.545    97.5696     110    
84     60        109.412    94.8316     110    
85     59        109.823    92.2895     110    
86     63        109.833    105.039     110    
87     59        109.535    93.0147     110    
88     60        109.643    96.5255     110    
89     55        109.706    94.9962     110    
90     67        109.206    83.6985     110    
91     48        109.709    98.124      110    
92     58        109.753    101.298     110    
93     61        109.767    101.255     110    
94     64        109.901    105.363     110    
95     56        109.76     98.3865     110    
96     60        109.738    103.642     110    
97     64        109.803    98.8248     110    
98     58        109.666    89.6437     110    
99     54        109.666    95.8321     110    
100    61        109.494    95.486      110    
101    70        109.799    102.967     110    
102    62        109.739    96.9402     110    
103    77        109.744    95.1285     110    
104    55        109.836    102.75      110    
105    57        109.779    99.3039     110    
106    53        109.911    105.227     110    
107    55        109.342    84.6381     110    
108    45        109.846    100.018     110    
109    58        109.971    107.067     110    
110    58        109.298    86.8772     110    
111    56        109.623    100.785     110    
112    53        109.906    105.962     110    
113    54        109.747    100.471     110    
114    66        109.883    98.2764     110    
115    64        109.809    102.77      110    
116    57        109.386    91.1257     110    
117    60        109.796    97.8844     110    
118    59        109.678    86.3709     110    
119    55        109.831    97.5534     110    
120    58        109.741    98.9108     110    
121    57        109.523    99.0968     110    
122    52        109.607    94.825      110    
123    61        109.661    88.0185     110    
124    61        109.837    103.542     110    
125    54        109.643    93.0993     110    
126    59        109.741    99.6697     110    
127    58        109.695    89.2412     110    
128    54        109.622    98.3891     110    
129    49        109.716    97.0653     110    
130    63        109.523    98.014      110    
131    52        109.444    82.8089     110    
132    56        109.718    97.7141     110    
133    73        109.786    105.672     110    
134    59        109.58     94.2797     110    
135    56        109.758    99.9133     110    
136    62        109.707    91.8893     110    
137    68        109.718    97.7743     110    
138    49        109.568    94.7746     110    
139    50        109.557    99.0476     110    
140    63        109.539    97.9216     110    
141    69        109.219    90.5617     110    
142    66        109.706    92.9352     110    
143    48        109.864    103.266     110    
144    65        109.988    108.774     110    
145    49        109.276    92.3438     110    
146    58        109.734    90.2498     110    
147    64        109.842    100.694     110    
148    62        109.648    96.0825     110    
149    56        109.837    103.081     110    
150    56        109.998    109.78      110    
151    55        109.734    93.7204     110    
152    58        109.81     103.322     110    
153    62        109.856    102.386     110    
154    64        109.664    98.9855     110    
155    65        109.701    93.7264     110    
156    70        108.383    82.8439     110    
157    75        109.94     106.813     110    
158    57        109.714    95.7672     110    
159    62        109.714    92.9867     110    
160    66        109.644    100.39      110    
161    54        109.674    96.3835     110    
162    61        109.658    85.0905     110    
163    52        109.751    97.0785     110    
164    55        109.879    102.546     110    
165    67        109.638    91.7032     110    
166    63        109.824    103.369     110    
167    53        109.996    109.668     110    
168    62        109.42     93.4978     110    
169    65        109.597    92.6122     110    
170    60        109.621    98.15       110    
171    68        109.636    87.6776     110    
172    77        109.754    92.5824     110    
173    58        109.789    97.1111     110    
174    62        109.629    100.315     110    
175    54        109.752    100.745     110    
176    62        109.832    103.505     110    
177    57        109.92     106.379     110    
178    59        109.983    108.311     110    
179    61        109.792    103.147     110    
180    56        109.834    103.666     110    
181    59        109.694    96.045      110    
182    67        109.418    93.1862     110    
183    67        109.998    109.839     110    
184    57        109.965    106.474     110    
185    68        109.543    91.7126     110    
186    63        109.413    83.4402     110    
187    65        109.892    104.356     110    
188    60        109.546    92.2867     110    
189    51        109.722    87.5918     110    
190    65        109.593    102.811     110    
191    55        109.83     101.872     110    
192    66        109.792    98.9256     110    
193    47        109.844    103.942     110    
194    69        109.899    103.538     110    
195    64        109.94     106.832     110    
196    57        109.635    99.4751     110    
197    57        109.624    94.0766     110    
198    70        109.483    101.174     110    
199    70        109.393    80.3783     110    
200    65        109.685    94.4924     110    
Best individual: [10, 10.0, 10]
Best fitness: 110.0

The results show the progress of a genetic algorithm over $200$ generations.

Here’s a brief summary:

  • Initial Generation (0): The population starts with an average fitness of around $30.2$, and the best individual has a fitness of about $84.9$.
  • Generation 1-5: The average fitness steadily increases from $45.4$ to $90.9$.
    The maximum fitness improves, reaching values above $100$.
  • Generations 6-20: The average fitness continues to increase and stabilizes around $109$, with the best fitness consistently at $110$.
  • Generations 21-200: The algorithm converges, maintaining a maximum fitness of $110$ in almost every generation.

The best individual found has a fitness of 110.0, indicating an optimal solution in this context.